Our Murder Mystery Event is “Clue” meets “Tony & Tina’s Wedding!”
DATE: Thurs, Oct 21, 2021
TIME: 6:00 PM-9:00 PM
PLACE: In your home, over Zoom
BONUS: Every guest receives a gift package valued at $75!**
DOOR PRIZES: Every guest has the opportunity to win a door prize!
GRAND & 1st PRIZES: Every guest has the opportunity to win one of these two high-value prizes!

Erin and her kooky cast of characters who will make sure you have fun at this professionally written show.
The show and the murderer will be different from our first Murder Mystery Event, so this one will be a new experience!
AND EVERYONE will receive a FREE gift package from Erin of Ruby Ribbon, and our other sponsors, including Rebecca of Trades of Hope! She is giving each guest a piece of Trades of Hope jewelry, with an average value of $34 each! Total package value: $75
Here’s what this entertaining evening will include:
- Sit back and enjoy a professionally-written murder mystery
- A gift package for each guest from our sponsors: Erin Hunkemoeller of Ruby Ribbon, Marly Constantino of Arbonne, Rebecca Hack of Trades of Hope and Tobi of Norwex. You’ll also receive a snack package from Franks & Beans Events that you can enjoy while you’re watching and figuring out whodunnit. Value of your gift package: $75!
- Grand & 1st Prizes! There will most likely be more than one person who is able to figure out which character “dunnit,” so we have two high-value prizes to give away at random among those who guess correctly.
- Door prizes! Because seriously, what’s a Franks & Beans event without door prizes?
- Invite your out-of-town family and friends and have fun together! This is a virtual event!
Thank you to our sponsors: Erin of Ruby Ribbon, Marly of Arbonne and Rebecca of Trades of Hope
What is Ruby Ribbon?
It’s lingerie and fashion for real women.
The Ruby Ribbon Credo:
We’ve had enough poking, prodding, squeezing and suffocating.
We will no longer accept unrealistic ideals.
It’s time be real. Time to celebrate real women.
Women who deserve real comfort and real opportunities.
Only then will we unleash the power of real confidence.
**PLEASE PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS BY Oct 11 so we can get your gift package to you before the event. We can extend this by sending it Express or Overnight Shipping, but that will result in an extra charge. Please email Tobi for details
* No one under the age of 21 is permitted.
* TICKETS: Tickets can not be held without payment. We are limiting the number of guests so everyone can get to know each other.
* POLICY REGARDING REFUNDS: Guest tickets are transferable ONLY for the event for which you purchased the ticket. If you purchase a guest ticket and are unable to attend, you may give or sell your ticket to a friend. No refunds, no exceptions. Thank you for your understanding.