GIRLS’ NIGHT OUT: Private-Readings Psychic Dinner featuring Judy Dingler, Dianne Marie and Margaret Phillips
DATE: Wed, October 24, 2018
TIME: 5:30 PM-9:30 PM
Appointment-setting begins when doors open at 5:30
PLACE: Beneficial Bank
Route 70 & Springdale Road
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
If using GPS, be sure to use the above address ONLY.
EARLY BIRD: $47* (thru 10/7/18 at 11:59PM)
COST: $52* (10/8/18 thru 10/22/18 at 11:59PM)
DAY-BEFORE & AT-THE-DOOR: $62* (10/23/18 & 10/24/18)
*Prices include a $2 ticketing fee
CLICK HERE TO PAY with Credit Card or PayPal
Our Private Readings Psychic Dinner promises that everyone will get a personal 10-minute session!

This event has been so popular in the past that we’ve had to add additional psychics to accommodate all who want to come! But don’t wait. Get your tickets now!
Come at 5:30 PM to register, then shop our vendors, enjoy a delicious BYOB Hot Buffet Dinner catered by Illiano’s, and get a personal psychic reading. Door prizes and Vendor Bingo Prizes, too!
Spiritual Intuitive Dianne Marie is a highly acclaimed oracle, whose readings are accurate and guidance is astonishingly spot on. She will put you at ease from the moment you sit down with her. Psychic Medium Judy Dingler can help you with unanswered questions and important decisions that affect your career, finances and relationships. She can also help get you in touch with your loved ones who’ve crossed over. For Judy, these readings are effortless. She is THAT good. Psychic Medium Margaret Phillips has been surrounded by angels since she was a little girl. It’s why her company is named “Angels Always Around Us.” She includes angels in much of her work because we are always surrounded by our angels. Besides specializing in Angel Card Readings, Margaret is an Energy Healer, Life Coach and Business Coach. Judy, Dianne and Margaret are among the Top 5 Readers in South Jersey, and can help you achieve closure with loved ones who’ve passed. They also use their gifts to guide, elevate and empower their clients.
The evening includes:
- BYOB Hot Buffet Dinner (Vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free and dairy-free diets accommodated; but you must email Tobi immediately upon purchasing your ticket to make arrangements).
- Private, personal 10-minute reading with Psychic Medium Judy Dingler, Spiritual Intuitive Dianne Marie or Psychic Medium Margaret Phillips.
- Vendors & Vendor BINGO with Prizes!
- Door Prizes, too!
CLICK HERE TO PAY with Credit Card or PayPal

Our “Charity of the Month” is Cantor Scott’s Animal Rescue Center. Please consider bringing items to donate for homeless cats and dogs. Additional items appear on this Wish List. Click here for even more ideas. We will also hold a drawing for a special prize with 100% of the ticket money collected going to Cantor Scott’s ARC. Any monetary donations are gratefully accepted as the cost of medical bills are high. You can make your check out to Cantor Scott’s ARC. This charity is a 501(c)(3). Thank you.