GIRLS’ NIGHT OUT: Signature Psychic Dinner featuring Psychic Medium Judy Dingler
DATE: Wed, Sept 26, 2018
TIME: 5:30 PM-9:30 PM
PLACE: Illiano Cucino
Tuckerton & Taunton Rds, Medford, NJ 08055
IF YOU’VE NEVER BEEN TO ILLIANO’S: Please call them to find out how to get to their parking lot at 856-985-2721
EARLY BIRD TICKETS: $50 (Ends 8/22/18, 11:59PM)
REGULAR PRICE TICKETS: $55 (8/23/18 to 9/25/18)
DAY-BEFORE & AT-THE-DOOR: $65 (9/25/18 & 9/26/18)
Come at 5:30 PM to register and shop our vendors, then enjoy a delicious BYOB dinner.
As a Psychic: Judy Dingler helps bring clarity to her clients’ lives, whether it’s related to health, relationships, career, finance or something else.
As a Medium: Judy brings in the spirits of our loved ones who’ve passed on—friends, family members and beloved pets—in a “gallery reading” format, meaning that she will do as many readings as time will allow.
As with all of our Signature Psychic Dinners, this will be a fun and healing evening.
And remember, our Psychic Dinners always sell out, so get your tickets now!
The evening includes:
- BYOB Fresh and delicious Illiano’s Dinner (most diets accommodated but please contact Tobi ASAP to make arrangements. Tobi@FranksAndBeans.net)
- Psychic Medium Judy Dingler’s Gallery Reading
- Vendors & Vendor BINGO with prizes
- Door prizes, too!