By Tobi Schwartz-Cassell
In the song, “One,” Three Dog Night sings that “one is the loneliest number.”

Sometimes that’s true, sometimes it’s not.
But I’m not thinking of THAT number 1. I’m thinking of the numeral 1 that is now at the end of our year—2021.
To me, that “1” represents a clean slate. Permission to look ahead to a rainbow of possibilities.
Trust me. I’m not living in a dream world. I know that everything we’ve lived through in 2020 has rolled into this new year. They’re not going to go away that easily, simply because we’ve hung a new calendar on the wall.
In 2021, we’ll still be dealing with a deadly pandemic, financial and food insecurity, cruel and immoral systemic racism, a political divide—no, a chasm—among the people of America, plus our own personal problems and demons. I’m not naïve.
What I am is grateful for everything I have, and willing to choose optimism and hope.
I have big plans for my 1!
Do you? What are they? Please share them in the comments below.
Happy New Year & Virtual hugs!

PS: Want to have some fun on Facebook? Join us in the women-only closed group, South Jersey Girls Who Wanna Have Fun! Don’t let that name fool you. You can join no matter where you live.
PPS: Check out our upcoming Zoom events!
PPPS: Need help with Zoom? Click here
Like many, 2020 taught me to navigate the kind of changes we’ve never before seen on a global level. In addition to my full time job, I started a side gig with Touchstone Crystal that allows me to connect socially via Facebook and Zoom. I learned who the folks are in my life that I really miss when I can’t see them. I realized how fortunate we are to have technology Ike Zoom and FaceTime, that allows us to connect in meaningful ways with loved ones. I realized my cat is an amazing quarantine and work from home buddy. And I’ve reconnected with the joy that nature walks and being amongst trees brings me.
In 2021, as things start to return to our new normal, I vow not to forget or ignore the people and joys that made my 2020 bearable, and often peaceful, and happy. And I promise to keep looking for new joys, and not just get caught up in life’s busyness or the mundane.
Jessica, you are one of my pluses in a year full of minuses. <3
MY beautiful version of “1” is my one month old grandson. This gives me hope for better times ahead as well as lots of new love in my life.
How fabulous, Sandi! Mazel tov! I am so happy for you!!! <3
Why did I decide to come to your Birthday Party event? It’s my 1!!!
I haven’t worked since March. I’m a medical sign language interpreter and was advised by my doctor to not work in that setting bc of Covid. I have several high risk factors… over that age of 65. Lots of chemo (I’m fine now), plus asthma and allergies.
I’m supposed to retire this coming April though I hope I can work maybe one day a week once the virus is more under control.
I have become very inactive in my mind and body. I went from working sometimes 6 days a week to nothing, and it’s taken a toll mentally and physically. So I’ve decided to really make the effort to do more. With people. Without CNN. It’s been rough… the politics, the virus, money. My husband got laid off in June and he decided to retire. He’ll look for something part time when it’s a little safer. We did make a wedding for our daughter in our backyard on Halloween!! Was supposed to be at a winery, but couldn’t have it there. I digress.
I signed up bc I’ve seen your events and I didn’t make the effort, didn’t bother, and didn’t want to spend the money. But this is important for me to do, for me!!!
Thank you for asking!
Debbie, thank you so much for sharing your “why” with me, and for explaining that it was your “1.”
I am so sorry for how COVID has affected you and your family, but I wish you congratulations on your daughter’s wedding!
So many of us are going through uncomfortable changes because of this virus.
Unfortunately, I understand. I had a thriving event and marketing business and the day of the shutdown in March was the day I lost all of my marketing business clients. When the restaurants closed, I nearly lost my event business! But I pivoted and taught myself Zoom so that I could host my events virtually.
Though my income has been dramatically cut, it worked out because the virtuals are so much more intimate, and quite frankly, I am finding that a lot of women who are in your boat (COVID has forced them to make changes in their work and in their personal life) are starting to come to our events.
So many have told me that they are hesitant to put themselves out there, but in the end, they have chosen my virtual events to start putting themselves out there! They are coming to my events and just relaxing and having fun! I am grateful that you are giving my events a try!
And I thank you so much for understanding what I was trying to express in my blog post about the importance of the “1” for all of us.
Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy new year. ❤
The 21st letter of the alphabet (in homage to the year 2021) is “U”. I choose “Unlimited Possibilities”. My personal goal is to continue my weight loss and healthy lifestyle journey. I am half-way there. There are many challenges, imbedded bad habits, and not listening to certain “voices in my head”. I am blessed with having many dynamic, smart and supportive people in my life – and Tobi is among the gems- and I remain truly grateful.
I love you, Linda, and I am grateful for you. ❤
And I LOVE the 21st letter–U–standing for Unlimited Possibilities!
Not to be a copycat, but I agree there is good reason for hope. Hopefully, there will be a steady improvement in all areas of concern.
Faith, hope, and love are a powerful trio, with a splash of good luck!
You are not in any way a copycat, Kathy. The more hope we put out there in the Universe, the better. Love you, my friend. ❤