Some of us are happy to say ‘so long’ to the heat, humidity and frizzy hair of summer. Others, like me, approach the end of summer with dread, and the only way I can bear it is knowing that there’s another one just around the corner.
Not that I love living through 90-degree days. I just know how blessed I am to be able to hide out in my air-conditioned apartment when the going gets tough.
What I will miss is the freedom. The freedom to leave the house with wet hair, toss on easy-breezy clothes (not in that order) and eat food from an outdoor grill. But mostly, I hate the cold.
Among my friends, I’m in the minority. They love the crisp weather, colorful leaves, pumpkin-flavored coffees, blah…blah…blah…
So, I turned to my 950+ friends in our Franks & Beans’ Facebook Group—South Jersey Girls Who Wanna Have Fun—and asked, “Are you happy to see summer end?” And, as always, they came through.
In the “I’ll Miss Summer” Camp:
- KW: “Not happy. Life circumstances shortened my time to enjoy the summer. I also don’t enjoy less daylight. Let’s rewind at least 4 weeks, take out rain and humidity, and have the temp at 85 or below.”
- CP: “No, I love the hot weather. I am, however, tired of the humidity, rain (devastated my garden tomatoes) and uneven temperatures. I hate snow, cold, and especially ice!”
- MM: “No. I do love fall weather, but I’m always sad when summer ends, kids go back to school, and crazy activities start again.”
- MR-C: “No, because it means winter is on the way ☹.”
- SFK: “No. I hate the cold weather. I love long days and warm weather.”
- JCK: “I miss seeing my grandchildren whenever I want.”
- JW: “Never happy to see it end!!! Love being able to walk outside as you are–flip flops, shorts etc. Hate being
bundled up, (sweaters, coats), am so happy not wearing shoes and socks, and most of all don’t enjoy being cold. And it gets dark early. The fall depresses me. Give me long days of sunshine and heat! Another summer perk-local summer produce!” (Note from Tobi: YES, YES, YES! 😘)
- LH: “No I love the warm weather, long summer nights. It always seems like there is more time to do things at night after work.”
- LAG: “I would’ve enjoyed the summer more if it hadn’t been so humid this past season. However, I do like longer days, not looking forward to cold weather.”
- SR: “No. I know that the shorter days are coming after summer ends.”
- EAW: “I for one am not happy to see summer end. I can’t tolerate the cold or snow anymore. I hate it, don’t want to deal with it at all.”
- LSY: “Love summer at the beach!”
- RLS: “Never want to see it end. I’m a beach person and I look forward to it all year.”
- MD: “No. Don’t want the cold weather yet.”
- GMG: “Noooooo…I love summer!”
- PP: “Summers are just too short! I love the long, lazy, crazy days- nothing like daylight til 9pm. Keeps me motivated to get things done with time left to just enjoy. And then there’s the beautiful blue ocean, the refreshing scent of the salt water, and the sandy beaches. Need I say more?”
- NH: “No, as I was away most of the summer and would love some beach time. September is supposed to be lovely. I’m counting on it.”
And those who are happy to see the summer end:
- SB: “Yes. I am tired of the heat!”
- CD: “Yes. I hate heat and humidity.”
- SC: “Yes! Love cool weather!”
- MK: “Me too!”
- JC: “Cool weather begins, holidays are rolling around the corner, the atmosphere is calmer and fun. Sweaters, long pants, scarves and beautiful colors.”
- BT: “I love the fall colors and cool breezes and opening the windows.”
- JP: “Fall is my favorite season! I love the gorgeous changing leaves, the cooler, more breathable air, the lack of mosquitoes, which love me so, Halloween and Thanksgiving, and the promise of new beginnings. However, what I do lament is how quickly the season went and that we didn’t do more “summery” things like go to the boardwalk. I only went to the beach once. But, I must admit I love Fall on the beach because it’s less crowded, more comfortable and we can let the dogs run free!”
- MRD: “Fall is my favorite season though I do love the warm weather, but not this summer. Did not enjoy it and unfortunately, due to some health issues with my husband, we were not able to do much of anything this summer. Hoping and praying for better days ahead.”
- MP: “Yep! I’m ready for fall colors and Halloween decorations!”
- MM: “No more bugs! Also the air conditioning in my car is broken. Not looking forward to shoveling snow though.”
- DH: “Yes! I know I’m in the minority but I love a crisp fall day! Burning my apple candles, sleeping with the windows open, and pot roast!”
- BWU: “Yes! Fall is the best. Not a big fan of heat and humidity.”
- LB: “As I’ve gotten older, the change in seasons has gotten more bittersweet … I’m always glad to see Spring and I’m equally sad to realize there’s one less Winter in front of me.”
- RSI: “Love swimming in our pool….love wearing flip flops….do not love heat and humidity….do not love bugs (of any kind, except maybe butterflies and ladybugs)… fall crisp weather….love the Jewish High Holidays, Halloween and Thanksgiving….SO….yes I am ready to move ahead to fall!”
A different perspective from a Florida Girl who used to be a South Jersey Girl:
- AR: “Not happy to see summer end because of the snow birds who show for the winter. Yes, happy to see summer end because the heat will leave soon, I hope.”
And then there are three women who summed it up for all of us:
- MC: “I love summer but that being said, I’m looking forward to refreshing, breathable weather. The heat and humidity were off the charts this year. Spring and summer are my favorite seasons. Fall and winter not so much.”
- PQ: “I miss the longer hours of sunlight and the feeling of freedom, but I’m OK with fall coming (but NOT winter).”
- KT: “Yes and no. I like it warm, beach, pool, pretty gardens, lightweight clothing. Really dislike HUMIDITY!!! Like the cool of fall, pretty leaves. Winter stinks!”
Thank you to everyone who answered. And if you didn’t get the chance, I’d love to know your thoughts: Are you going to miss summer? Why? Simply comment below.
See you in the fall!