By Tobi Schwartz-Cassell
My son Richard is all grown up. He’s got a career, an apartment in Brooklyn and a smart and beautiful girlfriend whom we love. Best of all, he pays his own bills.
But before all of that happened, and even before his sister Jardin was born, he and I had a yearly tradition. We’d go to bed in our clothes on Thanksgiving night, and wake up at 4 AM on Black Friday, brush our teeth and be on our way with our pre-packed breakfast.
But not everyone shares our former level of zeal for the Queen of all shopping days. A survey conducted in early October by found that 35.13% of those asked “hate” Black Friday! Just 14.7% love it and 50.70% neither love or hate it. They said it’s merely “okay.”
Black Friday is loved by less than 15%!
Let’s go back to the 90s, when Richard and I really had a good time on those Black Fridays. We’d bring the store circulars with us so we could peruse them while waiting in line, and ended up sharing them with our fellow bargain hunters. It felt like we were all in it together, and it really was fun! But it’s all fun and games until someone gets killed, and tragically, that is exactly what happened. On Black Friday, 2008 an employee at a Long Island Wal-Mart died after being trampled in a Black Friday stampede. Four people were injured, including a pregnant woman. And literally overnight, Black Friday’s reputation changed.
Either in an attempt at safety, or just for the love of money (probably the latter), this shopping day has now become an industry all its own. What used to fatten up Thanksgiving Day daily newspapers is now also handled electronically with websites like:, and
If you do the Black Friday thing, be sure to read Consumer Reports’ Top 10 Black Friday Shopping Tips for 2016.
But before you do, tell me where you stand on Black Friday. Do you go out with the same family members or friends every year? Do you have a nice warm breakfast at a local diner after you finish up at your first store? Or do you just sit it out at home? Please let me know in the Comments below!

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My reply to you reads:
Hi Tobi,
Thanks for your post.
I am not an addicted shopper. I do buy clothing and other items when the old ones need replacements; or when I see some clothing that looks good on me.
Thank you.
Dara Herman
Thank you everyone for your comments! Please keep them coming!
Kathy, I was struck by yours, and I appreciate that you shared it with us. Knowing about this effort and their kindness to animals campaigns, Subaru has certainly proven that they have a rich tradition of giving back. Hoping you and your family, and everyone who answered this, have a beautiful holiday season.
I’m not a Friday after Thanksgiving shopper and have never been. I love Christmas and believe many people have forgotten what Christmas means.
My office “adopts” a family in need every holiday season. We fundraise all year and use the money to purchase gifts for the family and their children. I am in charge of purchasing the gifts. My kids and I get up, go to Dunkin Donuts for hot chocolate and hit the stores around 7 AM on Friday. Now that so many people do their Black Friday Shopping on Thursday, the stores are pretty well empty when we get there.
Growing up, Black Friday was always the day we started decorating for Christmas. As a teen, I’d go shopping with my friends. Once I started working in retail & had to work that day, I started to dislike it. Now that Black Friday starts on Thanksgiving…no thanks. Family time should be family time. I’m grateful for family time.
I used to go every Black Friday with my eldest daughter but stopped a few years ago for two reasons! Bargains online were usually better, and stores were starting to get waaaay too greedy with opening on Thanksgiving day (taking employees away from their families) and changing the rules!
Add me to the statistics. I never go shopping on black Friday! I typically take down my thanksgiving décor and begin the transition to Christmas!
Thank you, Linda and Kathy. So far, at least among my readers, you bear out the statistics on this shopping day. I appreciate your weighing in.
I never shop on Black Friday. I am usually done my shopping before Black Friday as a matter of fact.
I never went shopping on Black Friday. The only time I had to be in a store on that day was when I worked in retail. Since those days are over, I stay home.