TRENDING: Millennials Dying Their Hair Gray
PLUS: Tips on for Baby Boomers for Growing Out Gray Naturally
Among Millennials, there’s a hot new trend and it’s called “going gray.” They even have a hashtag for it. #GrannyHair
So why are younger women in such a hurry to go gray?
“Some of my clients want gray as a fashion color,” says Joanna Lewis of La Belle Vie Salon in Turnersville. “I have a friend (who’s 23) who just wanted gray hair, so I did it for her and she loves it!”
According to Geralynn Madonna, owner of MADONNA & CO Boutique & Beauty Bar of New York’s Upper East Side, “It’s fun to dye our hair bright purple or pastel pink, but they’re not necessarily the most office-friendly colors.”
Joanna adds, “I feel that the gray trend started slightly after everyone wanted to be super icy blonde. Gray came into play, probably because the color formulas that stylists use to achieve actual gray-colored hair, can also be used to create icy tone blonde.”
But, for Baby Boomer Women, #GrannyHair isn’t much of a choice.
Growing Out Gray Naturally
Kevin Gatto, owner of Verde Salon in Collingswood has the secret for those who are ready to start growing out gray naturally. But it’s not quite as easy as you’d think.
“There are two ways for growing out gray naturally,” says Kevin. “The first is to simply deal with the awkward growing out phase that can take a long time.
“The second and more recommended way is to highlight the hair as light as it can go—in a progression of visits to the salon—to blend the natural gray to the highlights. It’s a softer line of demarcation that grows out so you don’t need to be in every four weeks. You can push it to six to eight weeks, maybe even 10 weeks, as you get lighter and closer to the all over gray.”
“Growing out gray naturally is a huge test of patience, especially for someone with hair that’s on the longer side,” adds Joanna. “You could grow it out naturally, if you’re not looking to spend a lot of money on a color correction, which is why most women just keep getting color.
“A correction could cost anywhere from $200 to $500 just to get all previous color out of the hair. It could take several rounds of lightening and toning and the sessions might even take place weeks apart.”

Then there’s Cereal Hair, hair that embraces the colors of Fruit Loops®. “We do get quite a few younger clients asking for Cereal Hair,” said Kevin, “and it’s a lot of fun to watch the transformation in the salon. But be wary of high maintenance costs involved with this trend.”
Joanna has never had a request for Cereal Hair. “Mermaid? Yes. Unicorn? Yes. Oil spill? Yes. But not cereal,” she says laughing.
And how about those of us who aren’t yet ready to give up the battle? If you’ve got it in you, Joanna says you can kick it up a notch.
She told me about a client who did pink shades one time, and purple and blue another time. “Her hair was all white, and she was probably in her late 60s. It looked great, and there is no age limit on it!”
Hmmmm…I’ll bet I could rock those pink highlights I’ve been thinking about.
PS: Are you going gray naturally? Are you thinking about it? And would you ever consider Cereal Hair? Please share your answer in the comments below.
PPS: Catch Kevin Gatto at Verde Salon or at 856-858-0911. Call Joanna at 856-245-7441, and check out her portfolio.
There is no chance that I will ever go gray. It’s a hideous, mousey gray color that will age me 50 years! I might consider it if my hair were a fabulous white or platinum color but as for me…blondes have more fun and….look better, too! 🙂